
  • Funding by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
    I am incredibly happy to announce that the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Ger.: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) will support my PhD-Project for the upcoming 2-3 years! It was a long, but steady way to get to this point, and I’ve already worked on increasing my chances for receiving this funding during my M.A., so for about 4 years. Especially if you come from a working-class family and are the first academic in your family, this support and appreciation means a lot and is very gratefully received. The whole process kept me motivated to follow the intended idea and to dispel …
  • Conference: Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (Vienna, 2022)
    As my project focuses on the digitization of musical instruments that are inherent components of cultural heritage sites, the conference Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 27) seemed ideal to present one of my works about the acoustical spaces that are surrounding the organ. I’ll propose a system that will detect materials, textures and shapes in a photogrammetric model through artificial neural networks to build a new model for acoustical simulations including a mapping of the derived absorption coefficients. You can download the preview of the Short Paper below. The conference will be held in the City Hall of Vienna …
  • Released: midiAuralizer
    Finally, I’ve decided to publish my first software, the midiAuralizer! This tool comes with an easy graphical user interface and allows to auralize MIDI-Files through any virtual instrument with a simple click, additionally it automatically logs all instrument parameters into a protocol database, while all generated files can be traced through a cryptographic code (hashcode: MD5), which prevents losing the auralization parameters after renaming an Audiofile at some point of processing or data management. At the moment it’s only available as a GUI-Version for Windows, as VST-Instruments are only compatible with this OS, but it will be updated to support …
  • Annual Meeting of the American Musical Instrument Society 2022
    After starting with my project in April 2022, I felt very honored to present my work about Virtual Acoustic Objects in June at the Annual Meeting of the American Musical Instrument Society at the National Music Centre of Canada in Calgary. I was very glad that my colleague Dr. Heike Fricke accompanied me, as she was talking about DISKOS and complemented many aspects of my presentation, also she introduced me to almost everyone she knew from her work in New York (Metropolitan), Washington and Edinburgh – exceptionally nice people with interesting projects! Luckily I received the Frederick R. Selch Award …
  • About MODAVIS
    The PhD-Project MODAVIS – short for Multimodal Organ Data Analysis and Virtualization Systems – focuses on the development of strategies to virtualize pipe organs and softwares to simplify & standardize this process. Its concept has evolved in the Research Group Digital Organology at the Museum for Musical Instruments of Leipzig University after the digitization project TASTEN and the ongoing research project DISKOS, both that have been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany. It combines all experiences that have been made within these projects as well as the knowledge of the supervisors Prof. Dr. Josef Focht …