Released: midiAuralizer

Finally, I’ve decided to publish my first software, the midiAuralizer!
This tool comes with an easy graphical user interface and allows to auralize MIDI-Files through any virtual instrument with a simple click, additionally it automatically logs all instrument parameters into a protocol database, while all generated files can be traced through a cryptographic code (hashcode: MD5), which prevents losing the auralization parameters after renaming an Audiofile at some point of processing or data management.

midiAuralizer Screenshot

At the moment it’s only available as a GUI-Version for Windows, as VST-Instruments are only compatible with this OS, but it will be updated to support SoundFonts and AudioUnits on Linux and Mac OS!

You can download the midiAuralizer here, while some instructions, future changes and the full code can be viewed on the GitHub-Page.

Feel free to write me at any time if you have any suggestions or experience some bugs or problems!


  • Software to auralize MIDI-Files through VST-Instruments is available to download now
  • It will be updated to work on Linux and Mac OS with SoundFonts and AudioUnits in near future!